Tuesday 16 February 2010

Turn Fido to the perfect host

Image : http://www.flickr.com

1. Do some training sessions.

The sound of a door or knock
Many dogs are able to send in a Tizzy, the instincts of a dog exacerbated
Hat from his home to strangers. If your dog is not aware of these
Sounds, some training sessions. I have a friend come and ring
or knock on the door.

Do not immediately jump up and run towards the door. Is' quiet and go in the direction
the door to a normal rhythm. Remember that your dog will recognize your enthusiasm so
They want to be constantly monitored in your behavior.

Repeat this a few times a day for several days before Thanksgiving
or what have you continue to arrive day after your company.

2. Keep it under control.

Put in the ass or down or stay
(depending on the command that you have taught), the position as soon as you feel
someone approaches the door. Do not leave the door, so run fast
when they hear the doorbell or knocking. Do not let them be welcomed, if a visitor
He is calm.

If your dog is not sufficiently trained to sit still or remain obedient to command
keeps him on a leash, while the company greeting. You may also want to make use
Head halters, if you're not sure how dogs behave themselves, or if the meeting
many guests at once for the first time.

3. Keep a bottle of water handy.

If your dog goes into a Tizzy, or trying to jump on someone and
Hearing about your "no command", spray in the face with
Water. Almost every dog that hates, but will not be damaged.

4. Train your guests.

If the dog starts as a guest before you can go directly to him,
Tell guests to turn their backs and ignore the dog. "Hold your
Dog and do it together.

5. Do not reward bad behavior.

Do not ask the guests, reward your dog bad behavior. The most natural thing
tell a visitor only "good dog" a dog is a good thing
springing up. Thisis terrible! Pleas do not tell your friends
something for the dog, just turn your back until the dog remains on all
four feet.

6. Fasten your seat belts.

If your dog is not used too many companies or individuals to bring
children, ask your dog in a room for guests
Once everything is up and all the initial greetings are over.
Bring the dog is not until the room is relatively quiet.

There is no reason for not coming to FidoHoliday season with you
if you teach him how to be a good host.

Gaming Pc


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